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College Now: Home

Information for Instructors and Students

LBCC "College-Now" Instructors
Would you like instruction for your courses? Email Bryan Miyagishima - miyagib@linnbenton.edu. Technical issues? Please contact Scott Gallagher-Starr at the LBCC Library. email: gallags@linnbenton.edu | phone: 541-917-4655.

LBCC "College-Now" Students
For research assistance, call 541-917-4645 or email libref@linnbenton.edu.

College Now Links


Essentially Library / Research skills for College Now students

1. Searching a small library catalog

How do I see if a book is available? | How do I place a book on hold | How do I check my library account?

2. Searching a large academic library catalog

How do I browse the shelves on the computer? | What do they have besides books? | What are government documents and why might they be useful?

3. Searching a "consortial" catalog

  • Summit (many PNW libraries)
  • Worldcat (libraries around the world)

4. Using a "discovery" or "one search" system to find materials

  • What are the differences between different types of materials - books, ebooks, articles, other e-resources?

5. Searching an online periodical database.

boolean keyword searching | browsing subjects | searching specific periodicals | accessing non full-text materials

6. Searching the Internet

using specific publishers for information | using "site" or "domain" function in search engine | Google Scholar | Google Books

7. No doubt you already know the importance of citation. Keep in mind that your college professors will expect you to have mastered this skill; there can be harsh consequences for plagiarism!


Linn-Benton Community College Library
6500 Pacific Blvd SW
Albany, OR 97321
email: libref@linnbenton.edu / phone: 541-917-4645